Are Rodents Plaguing Your Hot Springs Property?

What Animals Are Considered Rodents?

Rodents describe mammals from the order Rodentia. You can distinguish them by their chisel-shaped incisors that grow throughout their lives. They also have a single incisor in both jaws. Here are some rodents you can find on your Hot Springs property and places they may hide.

  • Roof rats: In attics, cabinets, walls, and ceilings
  • Deer mice: Under decks, log stacks, and tree hollows
  • House mice: In cabinets, walls, ceilings, and any other out of the way place in your home

One thing all of these rodents have in common is a need to continuously chew on things to keep their teeth from growing too long. If rodents are in your home, this chewing quickly leads to problems.

Why Are Rodents In My Garden?

Rodents primarily infest your garden for food. They eat nuts, leafy vegetables, berries, and insects. Additionally, they love seeds, making sunflower and corn plants possible targets.

Different types of rodents also enter your garden for shelter. It’s not uncommon to find mice inside compost piles, bird feeders, and trash cans. You don’t need to see the animal to confirm rodent presence. Pests may have already invaded the garden if you spot grain-like droppings.

You can also look for tracks and smear marks along walls and gate posts. Another sign is tunneling with mounds marking entrances and exits. These tunnels can destroy growing plants along the way. You might also have pests if sprouts and seedlings disappear suddenly. Similarly, observe pet behavior. Your dog may bark to signal rodent presence on your property.

How Can I Tell If Rodents Are Damaging My Home?

House rodents are sneaky and often nocturnal, so detecting them on your premises can be difficult. But the sooner you notice an issue the easier it will be to get rodents out. Here are some places to check around your Hot Springs home:

  • Small entrances: Small rodents can slip through openings that are equal to a nickel. Check around your home’s exterior for small gaps or holes. The hole may appear small, but rodents can expand it by gnawing. If you see gnaw marks it is likely rodents are in your home.
  • Cluttered areas: Areas in your home that are cluttered encourage nesting. If you have areas that need organizing, check carefully for signs of rodents as you put things away.
  • Around food sources: Leftovers are enough to trigger a rodent infestation. Food is the primary draw for rodents. If you suspect they may be in your home, it is important to look closely at areas where rodents might find food. Look for droppings in the back of cabinets and drawers or under appliances.
  • Your lawn: Not all rodents make their nest indoors. Some will nest outdoors and enter your home in search of food. Check for nests in overgrown areas or piles of wood or stone.

Rodents cause a lot of damage and reproduce quickly. If you suspect they have found a way into your home, don’t delay in getting them out.

How To Stop A Rodent Infestation

The best way to stop a rodent infestation is to prevent it from starting in the first place. You can do this by:

  • Block entrances by installing door sweeps, using screens on chimney openings and vents, and caulk holes around foundations and utility pipes.
  • Store items in plastic containers instead of cardboard boxes that can be easily damaged by pests. Organize your garage, attic, and other storage spaces to prevent the cluttered areas rodents like to hide inside.
  • Eliminate access to food by wiping cooking surfaces and storing food in airtight packages. The same applies to pet food. Don’t leave dog or cat food in the bowl for too long. You can also eliminate water sources by wiping spills and fixing leaks.
  • Prune any shrubbery where rodents can hide and keep landscaping away from the building’s siding and foundation. Firewood piles should also be far from the dwelling.

These are all good ways to minimize your risk of a rodent infestation. However, if rodents are already inside your home it’s time to take a different approach.

A professional exterminator understands the best treatment for different types of rodents and other invasive pests. Get in touch with Advanced Pest Control to get rid of rodents on your Hot Springs property.

Don’t Let Millipedes In Hot Springs Take Up Residence In Your Home

How To Identify Millipedes

Many people have an overall idea of what millipedes look like, but they are easily confused with centipedes. Both of these pests have many pairs of legs, but there are some critical differences between them.

Here is how to tell which insect is which:

  • Millipedes have two sets of legs per body segment, while centipedes have one set.
  • Millipedes have legs positioned under their bodies, while centipedes have legs that stick out more.
  • Millipedes break down decaying organic matter, while centipedes are insects that eat other insects.

It’s also worth noting that millipedes look more like worms than centipedes do. Their behavior also sets them apart as millipedes don’t bite and are essential in converting decaying matter back into the soil. Centipedes may bite if people handle them, although they aren’t dangerous to people either.

Are Millipedes In Hot Springs Venomous?

Centipedes are the venomous ones. Millipedes are often confused for centipedes, but they are not venomous. Instead, millipedes are nuisance pests as they don’t bite or sting. They also won’t spread any harmful diseases.

While millipedes consume organic matter, they also aren’t property destroying pests. When they’re in gardens, they can be helpful to have around and promote healthy soil. But, they generally are a bit unsettling to find in your home. The main reason to remove millipedes is that they aren’t a fun sight and can make your home feel dirty.

What Attracts Millipedes To Hot Springs Homes?

Millipedes prefer humid areas and seek properties that provide ample food to eat. One of the best ways to deter millipedes is to clean up mulch, dead wood, grass clippings, and leaf litter. You can also focus on removing excess humidity by emptying standing water from the yard and fixing leaky plumbing issues. Finally, you can focus on keeping millipedes from getting into the home by installing door sweeps and weather stripping and repairing any broken screens.

If you already have millipedes around, the easiest way to remove them is with help from the Hot Springs pest control experts. While these aren’t dangerous pests, you probably don’t want to deal with them anymore, and our home pest control options will remove these and other common nuisance pests.

How To Get Rid Of Millipedes For Good

Ongoing home pest control plans from Advanced Pest Control are the simplest way to address millipedes. These reliable plans are customized to fit your pest control needs, so you don’t have to stress about pest issues as they arise. We focus on effective preventive measures and also remove any existing millipede problems.

If you have any questions, we are also happy to answer them. Call our team today at Advanced Pest Control to learn more or request an inspection of your property.

How To Get Rid Of Fire Ants On Your Hot Springs Property

How To Identify A Fire Ant Infestation On Your Property

There are several different species of fire ants that live around the globe. Here in Hot Springs, the most common species is the red imported fire ant. This pest is ⅛ to ⅜” long, dark reddish-brown, and has a darker colored abdomen. You are most likely to find these bugs around dry areas of your yard that get a lot of sunlight. Identify a fire ant nest by its lack of a central entrance/exit hole. Another way to identify a fire ant nest is by accidentally stepping on it with bare feet and feeling tiny pinpricks of pain from hundreds of fire ant bites and stings! One thing to know about fire ants is that they can build nests indoors. They are most likely to do this during the fall and winter months or when floods roll through.

All The Problems With Fire Ants On Your Property

When you think about fire ants, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Most people think about the pain they cause with their bites and stings. The majority of the pain fire ants cause comes from the venom in their stings. Fire ant venom causes immediate sharp burning pain and is followed by mild pain and an itching sensation. If you are allergic to insect venom, be especially cautious around fire ant mounds in your yard. If you are not allergic and are attacked by these pests and are looking for how to treat fire ant bites, we recommend applying a soothing ointment to the affected area like hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion and then covering it with a dry and sterile bandage.

The Trick To Getting Rid Of Fire Ants On Your Property

If you are actively dealing with a fire ant hill in your yard and you need these pests gone fast, look no further than Advanced Pest Control. We offer detailed solutions to help homeowners around Hot Springs fight back against annoying, invasive,  and dangerous pests. You will be hard-pressed to find a fire ant treatment in Hot Springs better than what we are offering. All you have to do is give us a call today!

Five Eco-Friendly Tips To Prevent Future Ant Infestations

Once you address a fire ant infestation on your property, your next step should be to put in place some preventative measures. Here are five eco-friendly tips to prevent future infestation.

  1. Repair damage to your home’s exterior and fill in holes, gaps, and cracks in its foundation.
  2. Make sure all of your window/door screens are in good working conditions.
  3. Install door sweeps under all of your exterior doors.
  4. Clear out a two-foot perimeter around your home’s exterior to keep it dry.
  5. Remove trash, dropped food, and clutter from your yard.

Contact the experts at Advanced Pest Control to learn about our year-round pest control and discover how our Hot Springs pest control options can work for you.

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs In Your Hot Springs Home

Clear Signs Of A Bed Bug Infestation In Your Home

Long before you have a bed bug infestation, and before you have to call pest control in Hot Springs to deal with a bed bug problem, you should know how to check for bed bugs in your home and external locations. Why? Because detecting bed bugs early can prevent a lot of misery.

  • Learn to identify bed bugs in all stages of development.
  • Look for bed bugs and warning signs in cracks, creases, and compressed areas.
  • Inspect items for black fecal spotting or black streaks.
  • Look for tiny white eggs and shed skins left by bed bugs.

These are all clear signs that you have a bed bug infestation in your home.

All The Reasons You Don’t Want Bed Bugs In Your House

The most obvious reason to not want bed bugs in your home is that they bite, but there is more to it than this. Here are a few other factors to consider:

  • Bed bug bites are numerous. Each bug typically bites three times during the night.
  • Ongoing bites can lead to anemia.
  • Thoughts of bed bugs can keep you awake, causing symptoms of sleep deprivation.
  • Kids may scratch bed bug bites and cause open wounds that get infected.
  • There is a social stigma attached to bed bugs. This can present many problems.

It is best to use the most effective methods to address bed bugs. It is not good to have a prolonged infestation.

How Bed Bugs Find Their Way Into Your Home

Our focus today is to discuss how to get rid of bed bugs but this is often very difficult. It is far better to prevent bed bugs from getting into your home in the first place. The secret to keeping bed bugs out is understanding how they get in. We’re often asked, “Do bed bugs come from the outside?” While technically, yes, they do come in from the outside, it is important to understand that these bugs don’t live in your yard. They live in close proximity to humans.

Bed bugs get into your home by hitching a ride on humans. Here are a few ways they do this:

  • They lay eggs in laundry, luggage, duffel bags, sleeping bags, and other items that have a human scent on them.
  • They hide in furniture items, electronics, and other household goods that you might purchase second-hand.
  • They can get on you or someone else and get carried from one location to another.

Natural pest control for bed bugs starts with general bed bug prevention methods, such as putting laundry, duffel bags, and other dryer-safe items through a 30-minute dryer cycle, thoroughly checking used items, and teaching everyone in your home how to identify bed bugs and the warning signs of bed bug infestations while away from home.

The Trick To Completely Getting Rid Of Bed Bugs In Your House

There are a few ways you may be able to get rid of bed bugs on your own, but believe us when we say that it is far better to have a licensed pest professional handle this pest problem. If you don’t do what is needed to treat these bugs, you could be in for a very miserable ride.

How do you treat bed bugs? It is more about the methods and less about the products. Professionals perform detailed inspections, apply a selection of products, and use field-tested evaluations to make sure no bed bugs remain. If you live in Hot Springs, let the bed bug control service team here at Advanced Pest Control get rid of bed bugs for you. Our technicians have the training and experience to get the results you want.

Hot Springs Homeowners’ Useful Ant Prevention Guide

Common Types Of Ants In Hot Springs

We have basically two types of ant pests in our area: Household ant pests and biting ant pests. Odorous house ants are an example of household ant pests. They get inside Hot Springs homes and make a nuisance of themselves.

Fire ant species are the ants that bite us in our yards – though those bites are actually stings. You can do much more about household ant pests than you can do about biting ant pests. Fire ants will live in your yard no matter what you do.

The methods used to keep household ants out of your home can prevent fire ants from accidentally getting inside and creating a serious problem. With both of these ants, ant control in your yard is the first step to getting control of ants in your home.

Why It Can Be Dangerous To Have Ants In Your Home

When considering what to do about ants, it is important to consider the level of threat. Odorous house ants and other household ant pests can spread bacteria and cause stomach illness, but the real threat is fire ant stings.

Fire ants present a unique problem for babies, some elderly people, the infirm, and individuals who have a stinging insect allergy. We recommend contacting a licensed pest professional to deal with ant control in your house if you have a fire ant issue that presents a threat to someone in your home. Don’t take any chances.

Six Eco-Friendly & Effective Ant Prevention Tips

At Advanced Pest Control, we know a lot about pest ants. Here are six of our best, eco-friendly prevention tips:

  1. Fire ants can be drawn to meat, grease, oil, and other food options found inside a trash bin. Make sure your trash is in covered containers. If you notice that a receptacle has a bad odor, wash it out. That odor will attract fire ants and several other pest ant species.
  2. Many pest ants eat nectar. A source of nectar that can take over your yard is little flowering weeds. Address weed problems to reduce this sweet food source.
  3. Fire ants, and several other ant species, will feed on insects both alive and dead. If you alter conditions that attract insects, you can reduce the number of ants on your property. We recommend swapping out exterior white lights with yellow lights.
  4. Address moisture issues. You can do this by cleaning your gutters, removing unnecessary vegetation from your landscaping, and watering your plants in the early morning.
  5. Seal gaps and cracks in your exterior, particularly around exterior doors and utilities. This creates a physical barrier that helps to deter ants from getting inside.
  6. Practice a high level of sanitation around and inside your home. This reduces attractive scents and helps to prevent worker ants from laying down pheromone trails that lead other ants inside.

These natural prevention tips can make a big difference. They may even be enough to stop indoor ant problems. If more control is needed, contact a licensed professional for ant control solutions.

The Most Effective Ant Control For Your Home

When you need ant control in Hot Springs, contact Advanced Pest Control for our residential pest control service. We use products and methods that effectively target ant colonies and eliminate them. This can stop ant activity in your home and keep ants out of your home all year long. Connect with us today to learn more or to schedule service.

The Best Way To Get Rid Of Cockroaches In Your Hot Springs Home

Common Types Of Roaches In Hot Springs

There are basically three types of roaches in our service area. One type gets into homes and prefers to stay. German cockroaches are an example of this type of cockroach. One type may get inside your home but doesn’t prefer to stay. Oriental cockroaches are an example of this type of cockroach.

The last kind of roach is sort of in the middle. American cockroaches fall into this category. While they commonly get into homes and stay, they actually prefer to be outside where it is more humid. It is important to understand these factors as they can help you determine how much control is required.

Why Cockroach Infestations Are So Dangerous

Another factor to consider when determining the best way to deal with a cockroach infestation is to consider how much of a danger they present. Roaches are linked to the spread of more than 33 kinds of bacteria, seven human pathogens, and at least six parasitic worms.

They also increase hospitalizations for asthma-related symptoms. These pests can make you sick, so it is important to address this threat with effective control methods when you see signs of cockroach infestation.

Why Professional Cockroach Control Is The Way To Go

Cockroaches are not easy to control – particularly if they prefer to be inside your home. If you find a cockroach in your house and it is a German cockroach, you should immediately contact a professional. Pest professionals use treatment methods that counteract the natural defensive behaviors and resistances of pest cockroaches.

If you find Oriental cockroaches or American cockroaches in your home, you may try using natural methods, such as moisture control, sanitation, and exclusions first. These could fix your problem and they work far better than control products. If these are not enough, or you don’t want to find out if they will be enough, contact Advanced Pest Control for pest control in Hot Springs.

Five No-Sweat Tips To Prevent Roaches From Returning To Your Home

If you contact Advanced Pest Control for a cockroach treatment and you rid your home of roaches, what is the next step? We recommend learning how to get rid of cockroaches naturally on your property. Here are five examples of what to do:

  1. Remove leaves and other organic materials that can create damp habitats for roaches.
  2. Clean blockages out of your gutters and make any necessary repairs to your gutter system. This will reduce perimeter moisture which is very attractive to roaches.
  3. Keep garbage in covered receptacles and keep receptacles free of strong odors that can attract roaches from a distance.
  4. If you have a dog, keep on top of waste clean-up. Cockroaches feed on animal waste.
  5. Seal your exterior. You can use a caulking gun to fill in holes and seal gaps. Replace weatherstripping, door sweeps, screens, and frames that have vulnerabilities. Cover vents with screen material, and perform other exclusions to deter cockroaches from getting inside.

If you want the greatest level of protection from cockroaches, consider a residential pest control plan. Reach out to Advanced Pest Control today if you live in Hot Springs. We’ll help you find the right plan for your specific needs.

Are The Spiders In My Hot Springs Home Dangerous?

Common House Spider Description

Common house spiders can be easily confused with a variety of different house spiders and garden spiders, but they are their own distinct species. Female common house spiders can be up to 8mm long, and males are around half that size. Both sexes of these spiders are typically brown or grey with chevron patterns on their legs and bodies. They have round, bulbous abdomens and long legs.

These spiders typically weave aerial webs to catch flies and other winged insects. They often weave sectioned webs, creating a thicker section for themselves so they can comfortably lay in wait. They may even introduce a leaf or two to their webs to create hiding spots. Sometimes, multiple house spiders may weave several webs close together. You may even find webs with more than one spider. If the pickings are easy and every spider is getting enough to eat, they will tolerate one another’s presence, as long as each individual maintains an appropriate distance.

Why Common House Spiders Invade Homes

Common house spiders don’t eat what people eat. They don’t need us for water. And they don’t even like being around us. So why do they come into our homes? Most of the time the answer is twofold. The shelter is one reason. Our homes have fewer predators, better hiding spots, and more comfortable temperature and humidity than outside.

Another big reason spiders come into your home is you have an infestation of their favorite prey items. If you have roaches, silverfish, moths, flies, and any number of other prey insects spiders find appealing, you’re going to see an uptick in spider activity. House spiders like dark, musty areas – the kind of places their favorite prey prefer. That means you’re more likely to see them in basements, attics, crawlspaces, and other places that don’t see a lot of light or human foot traffic.

House Spider Prevention

The best way to prevent house spiders – or spiders of any kind, really – is to exclude and exterminate their food sources. Spiders that aren’t catching any prey in the area they occupy will move on to a more productive spot. That means if you keep their webs empty, you can encourage them to move on without actually doing anything to directly exterminate them.

To prevent spider prey infestations, take measures like:

  • Keep trash cans both in your house and outside covered with tight lids.
  • Store all foods either in the fridge or airtight containers to mask their smells.
  • Seal up potential entry points like holes and cracks in your home’s exterior.
  • Put weather stripping in door sweeps and windowsills.
  • Make sure window screens don’t have rips or tears.

If you keep seeing common house spiders in your home, you may already have another pest infestation you don’t know about. That means you may need outside help. Here at Advanced Pest Control, we’re the Hot Springs area’s premier pest solutions company!

We can not only help you get rid of your spider infestation, but we can also eliminate the primary infestation that’s causing it. So give us a call at (501) 430-3328 or visit our contact page to schedule your free estimate. We offer both residential pest control and commercial pest management services.

How Dangerous Are Fire Ants In Hot Springs?

Hot Springs residents are most likely to spot fire ants outside burrowed in dirt, but don’t be fooled, they can undoubtedly make their way inside your home as well. Fire ants are most clearly identified by the mounds that they construct above ground as a form of protection for their nests. They’re dome-like and can also resemble overworked soil. This is a pest that will explode out of their mounds and sting when threatened, and said stings can leave behind a slew of uncomfortable side effects.

The Dangers Of Fire Ants

Most people remark that being stung by a fire ant is one of the most unpleasant experiences due to the sheer pain of the act itself. While being stung by fire ants, there is a high concentration of venom going straight into your bloodstream. Fire ants will attack if they feel that their nest has been threatened or disturbed, making the chances of being stung in Hot Springs very high.

Each sting results in white pustules and red bumps and even causing side effects like:

  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • Itching
  • Allergic reactions
  • In some very severe cases, death by allergic reaction

Fire ant stings are also extra dangerous to children and pets. What’s even worse is that fire ants attack in large numbers, making a seemingly small problem into a big one. Did you know that fire ant colonies can contain anywhere from 20,000 to 500,000 members? That raises your odds of getting stung by many ants, which can prove very painful, and even serious for those with preexisting allergies.

Getting Rid Of Fire Ants

Fire ants are a dangerous pest that you should not attempt to eradicate without the assistance of a professional. There are a handful of natural remedies often suggested, but none of them are truly effective in removing the entire issue that is plaguing your Hot Springs property.

An infestation proves to be difficult to handle because of:

  • Size. The size of a single colony of fire ants can be anywhere up to half a million ants, so while you may manage to eliminate some ants, you’re unlikely to make even a significant dent in a colony’s population.
  • Social factor. Did you know that a fire ant colony contains multiple queens? If just one queen gets left behind, that’s enough to start a new colony.
  • Recolonization. If a fire ant colony isn’t dealt with properly, the ants will create another colony elsewhere on your property.

Fire ants are a pest that can prove very dangerous to encounter and are nearly impossible to eliminate on your own. They may even prove deadly to those with preexisting allergies. The best way to handle a fire ant infestation is with professional assistance from the team at Advanced Pest Control. Call us today for an inspection to get started with our home pest control or commercial pest management services.

Are Pests a Problem? Advanced Pest Control Can Help!

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