
What Are Mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are prolific breeders that can take over our yards and make it miserable to spend time outside. Parasitic mosquitoes feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals. These flies have an elongated mouthpart that they use to pierce the skin of people and animals and suck out their blood. Their ability to fly means they can move to any property that provides them with sources of food, shelter, and breeding sites.

Are mosquitoes dangerous?

Mosquitoes are more than pests that buzz around our heads and annoys us; they are more than pests that bite us; they are dangerous pests that transmit a wide variety of diseases and parasites that can affect our health.

In the United States, mosquitoes spread diseases like West Nile virus and encephalitis. In tropical and developing countries, mosquitoes spread malaria, which causes more than a million deaths each year. Mosquitoes also transmit parasitic heartworms to our dogs and cats, an infection that is deadly without proper treatment.

Why do I have a mosquito problem?

Though capable of flying some distance, mosquitoes tend to stay close to the areas of standing water where they hatch. Properties with breeding sites (standing water) will experience problems with mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes may have a short life span, but a single female mosquito can lay more than 3,000 eggs! While not all of those eggs will develop into adults, some will, and so will some eggs from all the other females flying around your property. The mosquito’s ability to produce mass numbers of new insects is what has allowed these tiny, frail pests to thrive and succeed.

Where will I find mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are most active when the weather outside is warm and humid- making summer the time of year when these pests are most problematic. In our area, mosquitoes are active from March through October.

During the day, most mosquitoes like to rest in shady, damp areas. They rest in large numbers under tree canopies, decks, shrubs, and woodpiles. Areas of tall grass and dense vegetation are also popular resting spots for mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are most attracted to breeding sites, so if you have areas of standing water on or near your property, you will also have mosquitoes. Mosquitoes turn things like pools, clogged gutters, bird feeders, the tops of tarps, birdbaths, or ponds into breeding sites.

How do I get rid of mosquitoes?

To help reduce the number of mosquitoes living in your yard and feeding on your family, partner with Advanced Pest Control. We are a family owned and operated business dedicated to our customers and providing the services necessary to help them be comfortable in their own outdoor spaces. Through thorough inspections, effective treatments, and follow-up services, we will help you make sure your Arkansas property is a place you can enjoy without being under the constant attack of biting mosquitoes.

To learn more about our effective mosquito control services in Hot Springs, contact our knowledgeable team of experts today!

How can I prevent mosquitoes in the future?

At Advanced Pest Control, we have put together a list of helpful pest control tips to help you prevent your Arkansas yard from being overtaken by biting mosquitoes.

  • Don’t let standing water build up in your yard.
  • Repair leaky pipes and clogged gutters.
  • Change out water in bowls, wading pools, and birdbaths regularly.
  • Don’t overwater flower gardens or flowerpots.
  • Limit their access to daytime resting spots in your yard by cutting back trees, keeping your lawn mowed short, and removing weeds and other unnecessary vegetation.

Learn more about our home pest control and commercial pest control solutions.

Mosquitoes in Hot Springs, AR

And the surrounding area

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