Fact Or Fiction: Assessing The Spiders In Hot Springs

Five Strange But True Spider Facts:

Here are some weird but true spider facts that prove these critters are nothing short of one of nature’s freaks:

  • They can see what we can’t- particular jumping spiders (salticids) can see things we can’t. Several can see UVB and UVA light.
  • Some can disguise themselves into ants.
  • Some male spiders love being eaten- black widow spiders eat their mates. That’s a fact. However, red widow spiders don’t. The males force-feed themselves to females by putting themselves in the females’ mandibles. These freaky spiders keep doing so until the females eat them.
  • Some tarantulas fling fine, irritating hairs known as urticating hairs to predators to keep them away.
  • They lay hundreds of eggs at once- when they reproduce, they house their eggs in several sacs, each of which contains hundreds of eggs in it.

The different kinds of spiders available pose a unique threat. Hence, you should always call a professional spider control company when you see one for your family’s safety.

Why Do Spiders Build Webs?

Spiders build webs from silk produced in their bodies. It’s then pulled out of several openings (spinnerets) with the spider’s hind legs. They construct them:

  • To catch their prey.
  • To protect themselves from predators and to
  • To protect their eggs.
  • For transport.

Some Commonly Told Spider Myths

Various people tell different myths about the pesky critters. Here are some of the most usual ones:

  1. You eat approximately four of them in your sleep every year.
  2. All spiders are dangerous- some common spiders in Arkansas prefer their privacy, and, even if they bite, they aren’t venomous (but it hurts).
  3. They bite humans that eat specific foods.
  4. They make nests in hair.
  5. They drink from your mouth.
  6. You can tell which spider you’re dealing with just by its appearance.
  7. They’re insects- all spiders are arachnids.
  8. All spiders make webs.
  9. You can find all spider species anywhere.
  10. All spiders are male- granted, it can be challenging telling a spider’s gender through their morphology as it’s different from ours, but there’s a unique difference that tells them apart.

Total Spider Control For Hot Springs Homeowners

You can never tell what kind of scary spiders you’re dealing with. Therefore, you should involve a professional pest control agency like Advanced Pest Control in your spider troubles. We’re a family-run and owned business in Hot Springs, AR. We serve Hot Springs residents and those in the surrounding areas.

So why should you choose us over the rest?

  1. We’re flexible and reliable
  2. We offer free estimates
  3. We provide free inspection
  4. We’re always punctual
  5. We offer high-quality treatments using top-of-the-line items

We’re determined to give you nothing but the best, so we first consult you about the infestation before thoroughly inspecting your premises. We then create a personalized service plan to eliminate the pests per your situation.

We perform routine follow-ups to ensure your Hot Springs home stays spider-free. Contact us today and discover our services firsthand.

Are The Spiders In My Hot Springs Home Dangerous?

Common House Spider Description

Common house spiders can be easily confused with a variety of different house spiders and garden spiders, but they are their own distinct species. Female common house spiders can be up to 8mm long, and males are around half that size. Both sexes of these spiders are typically brown or grey with chevron patterns on their legs and bodies. They have round, bulbous abdomens and long legs.

These spiders typically weave aerial webs to catch flies and other winged insects. They often weave sectioned webs, creating a thicker section for themselves so they can comfortably lay in wait. They may even introduce a leaf or two to their webs to create hiding spots. Sometimes, multiple house spiders may weave several webs close together. You may even find webs with more than one spider. If the pickings are easy and every spider is getting enough to eat, they will tolerate one another’s presence, as long as each individual maintains an appropriate distance.

Why Common House Spiders Invade Homes

Common house spiders don’t eat what people eat. They don’t need us for water. And they don’t even like being around us. So why do they come into our homes? Most of the time the answer is twofold. The shelter is one reason. Our homes have fewer predators, better hiding spots, and more comfortable temperature and humidity than outside.

Another big reason spiders come into your home is you have an infestation of their favorite prey items. If you have roaches, silverfish, moths, flies, and any number of other prey insects spiders find appealing, you’re going to see an uptick in spider activity. House spiders like dark, musty areas – the kind of places their favorite prey prefer. That means you’re more likely to see them in basements, attics, crawlspaces, and other places that don’t see a lot of light or human foot traffic.

House Spider Prevention

The best way to prevent house spiders – or spiders of any kind, really – is to exclude and exterminate their food sources. Spiders that aren’t catching any prey in the area they occupy will move on to a more productive spot. That means if you keep their webs empty, you can encourage them to move on without actually doing anything to directly exterminate them.

To prevent spider prey infestations, take measures like:

  • Keep trash cans both in your house and outside covered with tight lids.
  • Store all foods either in the fridge or airtight containers to mask their smells.
  • Seal up potential entry points like holes and cracks in your home’s exterior.
  • Put weather stripping in door sweeps and windowsills.
  • Make sure window screens don’t have rips or tears.

If you keep seeing common house spiders in your home, you may already have another pest infestation you don’t know about. That means you may need outside help. Here at Advanced Pest Control, we’re the Hot Springs area’s premier pest solutions company!

We can not only help you get rid of your spider infestation, but we can also eliminate the primary infestation that’s causing it. So give us a call at (501) 430-3328 or visit our contact page to schedule your free estimate. We offer both residential pest control and commercial pest management services.