Fire Ants In Hot Springs Can Be Hard To Deal With

What Do Fire Ants Look Like?

Fire ant treatment in Hot Springs starts with identification. Like other insects, fire ants have six legs and hard exoskeletons. They resemble other ant species from afar, but display unique characteristics, such as their black and red coloring.

Workers stand out with their armored midsections, round heads that are usually brown, and abdominal stingers that transfer alkaloid venom to victims. When a fire ant bites, it immediately follows it with a sting, leaving a burning sensation and red welt. Ordinarily, rising fire ant populations push winged ants out of their mounds for reproduction; afterward, males die while females lose their wings.

Fire ants fall under two categories:

Native Ants

  • Workers have uniform sizes
  • Red to black bodies
  • Mounds approximately two feet high

Imported Fire Ants

  • Brown to black bodies
  • Workers come in different sizes
  • Black and red compound eyes
  • Higher mounds, approximately three feet tall
  • Large colonies ranging between 100,000 and 300,000 members

If you suspect that your property has fire ants, contact a local pest control company for effective ant control solutions.

How To Kill Fire Ants Inside

You don’t want fire ants in your space for several reasons. For starters, multiple ants can sting you at once, causing severe reactions even if your immunity is strong. They also invade electrical equipment such as switch boxes, phone wires, circuit breakers, and air conditioners, resulting in malfunctions and electrocution.

You can prevent an ant infestation by:

  • Upholding cleanliness: Washing your surfaces and garbage cans prevents ants from entering your home looking for leftovers.
  • Proper food storage: Seal animal and human food containers and wash dirty dishes after use, because fire ants are always looking for food for their colony.
  • Sealing holes: Watch out for any broken siding, foundational cracks, and utility spaces that can welcome the pests into your home. Door sweeps also come in handy to keep pests at bay.

You should also hire an exterminator if ants have already invaded your home. Thanks to their wealth of experience, Hot Springs pest control services can flush the pests out of any corner and eject them for good. Furthermore, professional extermination methods don’t endanger household members or the environment. Professionals also find other pests you hadn’t previously identified and prevent a possible infestation.

How To Kill Fire Ants Outside Your Home

Fire ants attack your vegetable gardens and flower beds searching for food, water, and warmth. Here’s how to keep them out of your yard:

  • Clear dead branches and leaves from your lawn.
  • Don’t overwater the yard or use too much fertilizer
  • Cover garbage containers and compost bins, and relocate them from the lawn.
  • Store woodpiles away from your house.
  • Trim shrubs that touch your home to reduce ant access.

These simple prevention measures can help protect your property from fire ants. If an infestation occurs, be sure to seek professional assistance.

Sustainable Fire Ant Control For Hot Springs Residents

Effective fire ant control for your Hot Springs home starts with hiring a professional. Get in touch with Advanced Pest Control today for quality fire ant treatment in Hot Springs. We can safely and effectively eliminate the fire ants on your property – contact us today for your free estimate.

How Dangerous Are Fire Ants In Hot Springs?

Hot Springs residents are most likely to spot fire ants outside burrowed in dirt, but don’t be fooled, they can undoubtedly make their way inside your home as well. Fire ants are most clearly identified by the mounds that they construct above ground as a form of protection for their nests. They’re dome-like and can also resemble overworked soil. This is a pest that will explode out of their mounds and sting when threatened, and said stings can leave behind a slew of uncomfortable side effects.

The Dangers Of Fire Ants

Most people remark that being stung by a fire ant is one of the most unpleasant experiences due to the sheer pain of the act itself. While being stung by fire ants, there is a high concentration of venom going straight into your bloodstream. Fire ants will attack if they feel that their nest has been threatened or disturbed, making the chances of being stung in Hot Springs very high.

Each sting results in white pustules and red bumps and even causing side effects like:

  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • Itching
  • Allergic reactions
  • In some very severe cases, death by allergic reaction

Fire ant stings are also extra dangerous to children and pets. What’s even worse is that fire ants attack in large numbers, making a seemingly small problem into a big one. Did you know that fire ant colonies can contain anywhere from 20,000 to 500,000 members? That raises your odds of getting stung by many ants, which can prove very painful, and even serious for those with preexisting allergies.

Getting Rid Of Fire Ants

Fire ants are a dangerous pest that you should not attempt to eradicate without the assistance of a professional. There are a handful of natural remedies often suggested, but none of them are truly effective in removing the entire issue that is plaguing your Hot Springs property.

An infestation proves to be difficult to handle because of:

  • Size. The size of a single colony of fire ants can be anywhere up to half a million ants, so while you may manage to eliminate some ants, you’re unlikely to make even a significant dent in a colony’s population.
  • Social factor. Did you know that a fire ant colony contains multiple queens? If just one queen gets left behind, that’s enough to start a new colony.
  • Recolonization. If a fire ant colony isn’t dealt with properly, the ants will create another colony elsewhere on your property.

Fire ants are a pest that can prove very dangerous to encounter and are nearly impossible to eliminate on your own. They may even prove deadly to those with preexisting allergies. The best way to handle a fire ant infestation is with professional assistance from the team at Advanced Pest Control. Call us today for an inspection to get started with our home pest control or commercial pest management services.